Make 10x more revenue on Upwork confidently.

Upwork Mastery is a complete package that includes specific case studies, worksheets and easy-to-follow guides to get 10x more invites, more projects and more revenue as a freelancer on Upwork.

Going live in May 2024

Loved the first book. I didn't expect this. The first 10 chapters of 'Upwork Mastery' were fantastic. Ordering it.

Shah, Marketing Agency Owner

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First, build the foundation

Build the mindset to thrive as a freelancer

Learn to understand how clients think

Understand the psychology behind human decision-making

Learn to think in flows - a superpower

Learn to operate like a well organised business

We created this package to help you thrive in your freelance business..with less uncertainty, more control and more growth.


Build on top of the foundation

Setup your profile for growth

Make your profile "saveable". Learn strategies to set up your profile for growth irrespective of your level of expertise.

Choose the right clients like a pro

The right client can be a godsend for your growth. Find clients that you'd love to work with again and again.

Write killer proposals that doubles the response rate

Nothing beats a well-crafted proposal. Write proposals that are exciting, useful and engaging to drive 10x more response rate. We closed $100,000 worth of deals using these methods.

Increase your prices confidently

The right price is the one that is best for you and your client. Learn to increase prices without losing your credibility or the demand.

Convert more interviews into high-paying projects

A Typical client generally interviews 3-5 freelancers before deciding. Learn to position yourself to be the most preferred of the lot like a boss.

Now, enjoy the outcomes

Ensure rapid growth

Earn 10x more revenue

Not just any revenue, but revenue that gives you more freedom to work when you want to and not just because you need to.

Get more invites than before

Make clients come to you. Invited freelancers enjoy a significant increase in acceptance rates than others.

Enjoy a consistent supply of work year-long

Enjoy the security of a 9-5, with the freedom of running your own business -
100% Freedom and 0% Uncertainty.

Never get stuck with a client again

Never say yes to a low-budget or a bad client out of obligation or need. Choice is power. Always have multiple offers to choose from.

Become a Top-rated freelancer on Upwork.

Earn the coveted top-rated badge and 'stay' at the top by consistently following the systems you've built.

don't settle for less

Experience exponential growth


Increased my prices by 400%

Reshma B

Front-End Developer


Entire Upwork growth bundle

200+ Page E-book

10+ Worksheets

5+ Case studies

8 Real-world proposal samples

Tons of bonus material

What do you get?

Entire Upwork growth bundle

200 Page










Pre-order the entire package for $79 $129

This is less than 1% of the freelance revenue a lot of our customers made in 90 days. You can too. Limited time offer ends soon.

Pre order and save $50
Enjoy a complete refund until February 15

+Access to tons of additional bonus material


If you have to praise us, criticise, tell secrets, or just catch up with us, do it. We are here :

Q. Who is this product for?

This product is designed for freelancers who are either starting their freelance career or for someone who are experienced but want to grow their business.

Q. What will I learn?

You'll learn universal principles of human psychology and decision-making patterns to guide you to better sales, strategy, pitching and brand building for your freelance career. It includes specific case studies, worksheets and easy-to-follow guides to close more deals and grow your freelance business graciously.

Q. Is it only for freelancers working at Upwork?

Yes and no. Although the package was designed to help freelancers on Upwork specifically, freelancers working on other platforms or working with clients directly can find it valuable. You can read try downloading a sample before you purchase.

Q. Can I read a sample?

Yes, get complete access to the first 10 chapters of the package here.

Q. Is there a refund policy?

Yes, all pre-orders of the package enjoy complete refund protection till the product goes live on the 15th of February. No questions asked.

Try a sample first

Get full access to the first 10 chapters of the package including worksheets and other bonus material.